
中山市洛兴服装有限公司主要为服装品牌公司及服装连锁公司提供优质男女式牛仔服装的设计及加工的一体化服装贸易型公司。 Zhongshan los hing garment co., LTD., mainly for the clothing brand company and provide the high quality clothing chain type cowboy clothing for men and women of the integration of design and processing of garment trading company. 我们主要为客户每个月固定提供40~100个样板供客户进行选择,可根据客户的风格进行开发,包括牛仔服装洗水及牛仔服装的版型均可根据不同品牌客户的需求针对性的开发。 We mainly provide customers each month fixed 40 ~ 100 samples for customer to choose, according to the customer's style of development, including cowboy clothing washing water and cowboy clothing version of type according to different brands customer demand for the development of targeted. 如果我们合作,我将解决你的牛仔服装设计需求,每月我们不会局限于开发牛仔裤服装,在开发品种上我们会全力以赴的为您开发牛仔服装类的各类品种的产品,我们会致力于做到【见的到、做的出、对的上】,同时我们将不断的致力于产品的风格的更新及产品品质的高度控制,销售上服装品牌商家每月都可以推出订货会的形式展示自己的新品。 If we cooperate, I will solve your cowboy clothing design demand, each month we will not be limited to the development of jeans garment, we will do our best in developing varieties for you to develop denim apparel of all kinds of varieties of products, we will be dedicated to do the out to see, do, on the right), at the same time, we will constantly committed to the style of product updates and the height of the product quality control, sales in the clothing brand marketers can launch order every month in the form of a new product to show them. 在激烈的竞争中我们愿意成为您具有最佳配合能力的合作伙伴,也希望我们的合作能让我们的未来有所改变,我们坚信有您的参与我们将会更辉煌。 公司的结构: 本公司由石群英小姐及其他股东合资创建,注册资金50万,洛兴的品牌解释是,络绎不绝的兴旺品牌,品牌体现在设计研发及生产方面的优势,洛兴也示意着我们的合作会和我们企业名字一样兴旺洛兴财源滚滚,我们的发展目标是在3年内成为中山具有最强实力的服装企业供应公司。 [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:广东中山市大涌镇敦煌路西拾街 浙ICP备17016739号-4
